Black Sun - millions of starlings

South Jutland - Black Sun

Black Sun over Jutland
The sight of a beautiful songbird in the trees in the backyard can ensure a good mood for a day. But the sight of a million starlings in headlong flight over the marsh in southern Jutland is a lifetime experience. Every spring and autumn it is possible to experience the natural phenomenon of black sun in Tøndermarsken. Especially in the period from the last week of August until the fall holidays is the opportunity to see the starling agree evening dance best. Many trips are arranged to the area, and is visited by up to 45,000 Starling-watchers every year. But you may well even take your own car and drive to find a cozy Bed and Breakfasts in the area. That way you can also decide, where you think the best observation post may be. For the birds wild dance in the sky in the hour before sunset is rarely seen in the same place twice.

Bird migration south
Black sun is seen, when thousands upon thousands of starlings from the Baltic countries gather to before flying southward. Just before the birds land on the ground to stay overnight, enormous flocks of birds color the sky black in fascinating patterns. Particularly beautiful yet cruel is the show, where the area"s birds are prey for hawks and falcons, who try to break up the flocks in their hunt for prey. Then they split the huge flocks of large floating shapes, which suddenly stretch down toward the ground or explode against the evening sky in an attempt to avoid or scare away the attacking birds.

Only one stop
The phenomenon of black sun is closely linked to the south of Jutland. The concept was invented by a local guide in the Forest and Nature Agency, who tried to describe the amazing natural phenomenon in an article. But in season you can experience Black sun in several places in the country. The flat wet areas in Tøndermarsken is one of the starlings favorite places, because they can find plenty of food before the long journey eating june beetle larvals and stench longlegs, that live in the wet grass.

Respect for the birds
If you want to go on a starlings safari in South Jutland, please respect the birds and leave the car at a long distance from their selected areas in the field, and just as important: Remember wellies, binoculars and patience. You never know exactly, when the birds are going to perform their dance in the sky, before they go to roost for the night.

Guided tours
If you prefer a guided tour, contact Tøndermarkens Nature Center, who organizes a series of guided tours to the black sun of Jutland.

Tøndermarskens Naturcenter
Stensbækvej 29
6510 Gram
Phone +45 73 51 44 63

Okholmvej 5, Vester Vedsted
6760 Ribe
Phone +45 75 44 61 61

Kontakt til Bed and Breakfastguide Danmark:
Udgiver: Lone Frost Reklamebureau Aps
Åløkkegården - Åløkkevej 60
5800 Nyborg
CVR 41516232
Bankforbindelse: Fynske Bank, Nyborg