50 - and completely free - places with
unique nature experiences in all of Denmark


We would like to encourage the Danish people - and everyone else who visits our lovely country - to go out into nature during the Easter holidays, summer holidays and at all other times - all year round...

On the website www.smutturen.dk, the basic idea is that it could be nice for many nature lovers to get a little inspiration for what you can do with the family in the beautiful Danish nature, and here www.smutturen.dk may be a good possibillty - every trip is free - and site offers unique and beautiful nature experiences throughout the country.

www.smutturen.dk is a guide to 50 unique places in the Danish nature. There are nature experiences and places that are already known by both Danes and tourists, but also places that are still hidden natural treasures - which only a few is aware of.

The purpose of the guide is to entice more people to visit the now 50 selected sites. In time, there will be even more suggestions on the website. At www.smutturen.dk you will find on a map of Denmark with the 50 - and completely free - places with unique nature experiences. You can read about the places, see beautiful pictures and videos - and make your own route plan. www.smutturen.dk can be used as inspiration when you are sitting at home or in the cottage, as a practical route guide to find trips in unknown areas - for nature experiences in Denmark.

I testet the site
I tested the site. First logged on the website www.smutturen.dk Clicked in via the green button Discover your route. I zoomed in on the area around Gudenåen and the Silke-borg lakes - places that I have visited, but which it could be exciting to see again through other eyes. Maybe via a secret route that not many others would use - so I could get it all a little for myself ...

I then clicked on Trækstien - via the small symbol on the map - a route of approx. 70 km between Silkeborg and Randers. There is a good description of the trip - which of course you do not have to take in full length - you decide for yourself - where and how far you want to go. In the photo is an arrow that you can click on - and which leads you via YouTube to be able to watch the small video about the trip. You cannot navigate back to the selected route using the arrow keys in the urgl field. So navigating the page is a bit of a hassleWhen you have looked at a place or a route, and want to return to another place you have previously looked at - again, click on the tiny map of Denmark on the far left of the map, about in the middle on the page.

It is a great site - with really many wonderful opportunities for interesting and exciting nature experiences - with different route lengths from a beautiful vantage point - just sit down and enjoy it, to long hiking trails for backpackers

Kontakt til Bed and Breakfastguide Danmark:
Udgiver: Lone Frost Reklamebureau Aps
Åløkkegården - Åløkkevej 60
5800 Nyborg
CVR 41516232
Bankforbindelse: Fynske Bank, Nyborg