
Bavnevej bed and breakfast

Bente Billeskov, Bavnevej 2, 8600 Silkeborg

01.01.-31.12. Open

Bed and breakfast in the beautiful Silkeborg. Close to nature, short distance to highway on quiet residential road.

2 double rooms, kitchenette with i.a. microwave and refrigerator as well as shower and toilet.

Breakfast DKK 75

From  350 DKK per night 

Bavnevej bed and breakfast offers:
Single room: 350 DKK
Double room: 440 DKK

Kontakt til Bed and Breakfastguide Danmark:
Udgiver: Lone Frost Reklamebureau Aps
Åløkkegården - Åløkkevej 60
5800 Nyborg
CVR 41516232
Bankforbindelse: Fynske Bank, Nyborg